This is an entry I wrote on a sunny, louvered porch in Donaldsonville, Louisiana, last fall.
Tuesday, 18
September 2012
Dear Universe,
You’re probably wondering
why my ecological footprint has exploded over the past two weeks, why I’m
trampling the environment with gigantic shoes. The answer is simple: I’m in the
USA. And because I’m just visiting, I can’t arrange things the way I’d like
First, the
transportation: airplanes brought me and my baggage here, more than 8,200
kilometers (some 5,100 miles), and hopefully they’ll bring me back the more than 8,500 kilometers
(some 5,300 miles) in one piece. In the process, they release incredible amounts of emissions
directly into the vulnerable sky. Fortunately I do this very rarely, and the
next time I get paid, I’ll make a donation and ask for atonement.
Then I’ve got
a little rental car, which I don’t use every day, since I’m spending time
staying with lots of nice people, but it is covering a considerable distance
(around 1,000 miles so far). Unfortunately this is essential, because otherwise
I’d be dependent on other people chauffeuring me around to an extent that
perhaps famous writers could reckon with. And while I’m here I can’t be so
strict about my vegetarian diet, and so the airplanes will have a heavier load
to take back, and countless animals, above all cows, will have died for my
sake, of course not without previously releasing large quantities of methane
into the atmosphere. (Forgoing meat and milk products, I recently heard in an
episode of Freakonomics on NPR, here, is the surest way to eat an environmentally
friendly diet. Unfortunately, this show doesn’t run on NPR Berlin.)
And then the
trash: all the disposable cups and silverware and packaging used on the flight
alone, even though it supposedly gets recycled! Here all the coffee shops serve
everything with paper cups, plates and bags, and when I ask for tap water, I’m
given it in a thin, transparent cup that tastes obnoxiously of plastic the very
second time you use it. At least I do without the straws now.
Then there’s
the air conditioning, always running and usually much too cold for me. At a
reading in the Baton Rouge Gallery on Sunday it was set at 71° Fahrenheit, when
it was about 96° outside! Now I’m sitting completely un-air conditioned on a
screened-in veranda, and after just a few days in Louisiana I feel that I have
a sort of fresh glow. Not because of the air conditioning, but despite it…
admit that there’s also a certain clandestine attraction to living as
carelessly and excessively as most Americans. But in just a week, dear
Universe, I’ll be good again, saving and recycling, riding my bike, walking,
running to the train and riding it and letting countless animals live. See you
Translated by Isabel Cole
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